Dinnerbone: 15w14a was an April Fools joke. The QR code was not.

Notch thought he could do an API and he was wrong. Jeb probably thought he could do an API and he was wrong.

Yeah so that's why you take that gigantic revenue stream and hire an engine and tools programmer who knows what the hell they're doing. They're not friggin limited to who they have on board. They're one of the top grossing PC games ever. In fact I think they are now. With that money and reputation you could hire some seriously smart people. You only need a few. Like you said it was built by one person originally, grab a few smart people an architect the new less riddled with technical debt version.

I'm not saying scale Mojang up to Riot games size and explode. I'm saying grab five or six people who's salaries you could literally pay in a week at their current revenue rate. Have them work with bukkit and the existing gameplay developers and get this thing where it needs to go. Grab people who have done this kind of work before, who have been around the block and wont be making the mistakes they're making and can help.

Because what's happening now. Is either not working and going realllly slow. Hell look at all they did for 1.8? Remember this disaster.

And ADVENTURE MAPS. Yeah I remember their purpose being ADVENTURE MAPS. Here we have a game, that literally made it's own genre. And they spend nearly three years to allow people to play pre-created stories like a bunch of already existing, already funded games. What a wasted opportunity. I get it, people enjoy adventure maps. But that's not what made people so interested in minecraft in the first place. Minecraft let you interact with the world and survive. It was like being inside a living lego set. Things moved, interacted with you, you could build machines to help you live in this charming world. You started in the wilderness and built a friggin virtual home. And that's exactly what it felt like. When you came bolting out of the darkness being chased by two meter wide spiders and clambered into your shitty little shack that you built it felt like home. THATS what minecraft was for, and you spend 3 years to allow people to build normal games inside it? Pointless.

The game has needed more things to interact with. That's what villagers were supposed to be. Charming little AIs to fill your hand built world. They keep adding more decorative stuff. Which is neat, but missing the point. I can build massive buildings that look great. But they don't do anything. They're empty. Hollow. Lifeless. BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO PUT IN THEM. Hell you can't even put the fucking villagers in them. Because they murder themselves. If you have villagers and doors, its a village, which spawns zombies in the friggin light, inside your walls, and murder all your wonderfully retarded villagers.

So every time I see a post wishing for or a preview about some new colored block or colored light or colored thing-a-ma-bob. I look out over my majestic medieval village that lies empty because all my villagers were slaughtered by zombies because the 20 iron golems I made, placed strategically around the village, and tied to fence posts got loose because of the friggin lead glitch and wandered off into the jungle through the front gate.

When I first played minecraft I saw so much potential and now all I see is great looking buildings with horribly broken AI and gameplay. So I keep building bigger mines, bigger machines, and bigger buildings. But it still doesn't make up for the fact even with friends on a server the game is lifeless. That's why I hate decorative blocks and that's why it's a valid argument and not bullshit. We need more things to do not more colors to build with.

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