Kind, intelligent, attractive: You can only pick two of these personality traits for a prospective SO. Which ones do you pick and why?

Sorta. One well endowed with intelligence will be far wiser than a low intelligence person at the same age. Better intelligence == pick up more wisdom.

At age 90 though, unless you lived under a rock, you would have some sort of wisdom to pass down. Just not as much.

On the seeking knowledge part, ehhhh. I can see why you might that, but I think it's important to make the distinction between personality traits and intelligence. Seeking knowledge can be taken as motivation, and most of the time, it is. If you are intelligent, you can absorb more information, faster and efficiently, and be able to sift through knowledge and COMPREHEND it, make connections, etc. But there is such thing as intelligent people who don't want to learn or have no motivation.

But I think the reason we see intelligent people as more motivated is with specialized education for these people, Gifted and Talented classes. Schooling really molds people into what they will be in the future. GATE, or GT classes build up personality traits, and many other skills regular kids won't learn. Also, for some reason GT kids are more common with richer parents, who will take their kids to better schools, and also have time to have 1 on 1 time with kids, building them up. They are probably more common with richer parents because during infant-toddler years, richer parents are able to take care of the kids better, provide better stimulation, give them time, give them all the right nutrients (nutrients are extremely important, iron especially)

And that's fine, I like this conversation too. This is my take on the whole intelligence-knowledge-wisdom thing.

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