IAMA Asian American woman with Depression&Anxiety, and recovering. AMA

Thank you for asking! I hope I can help you with my answer.

I have not gotten over it, I've just moved up a few levels, but being 'normal' is two more levels up. The depression has definitely lessened, the medication is working, and through therapy and past mistakes, I did developed coping skills. Listing them:

  • Drink lots of water. Prevents dehydration and headaches, and overall good for the body.
  • If you have no appetite, drink orange juice. Lots of it. It will at least help your blood sugar level somewhat after a while of being low.
  • But still try to eat at least two meals.
  • Get nutritional supplements. A multivitamin pill, Ensure, etc. But talk with your doctor to make sure it's okay.

  • When you wake up in the morning, get immediately out of bed. Play music you like, turn on bright lights, roll around on a hard floor, anything to keep awake. Once you decide to stay in bed, you risk doing that the whole day - you basically told yourself 'fuck it, I give up'

  • If you can, exercise. Take a walk, go jogging. If not, just standing moodily outside, breathing in fresh air, getting sunlight helps.

  • Take a shower everyday. Brush your teeth. Keeping good hygiene is really important, and refreshing.

  • Wear a new, clean, beloved outfit everyday. Anything to improves your mood. You wanna wear that so-ugly-it's-cute cat sweater? Do it.

  • Make a checklist. Organize what you have to do, break up tasks, give some structure to your day. It will be rewarding to check off each thing you do.

  • Keep your mind sharp. Read articles or books. Play sudoku. Write in a journal. If you just can't do something like that, it's okay. It happens. Do something even simpler. Doodle, write the alphabet, review your multiplication table. Just don't let your brain waste away.

  • Keep track of your mood. I use an app called iMood journal. Simply and easy to use. It will help you be aware of yourself and what you're doing, and give you a sense of control.

  • Those deep breathing exercise really do work.

  • To re-energize, do some stretches. Get your blood pumping, move your limbs. If you were the type to self-injure to motivate you, like I was, bending over to touch your toes gives you a small feeling of pain, but much more healthier and gives you that nice relief/pleasure sense when you stand back up.

  • Also instead of self-injuring, if you are able to, play your favorite song and badly sing out loud to it. Stress relief, and feeling silly is good.

  • Try humor! I like playing small, fun pranks on my friend. I get to have fun, I'm eager and excited, I look forward to seeing their reactions. Can really get you through the day.

  • Text/call your friends. Talk. Socialize. Even just a bit.

  • Watch an episode of your favorite tv show.

  • Have a hobby? Something you really like? Work on it, everyday. It could motivate you. (I read books and review them passionately and I'm eager to everyday.)

  • Plan a favorite meal for dinner. Also makes you look forward and happy at something.

  • On the really really tough days, days you feel like you can't get out of bed, at least sit up. DO NOT lay back down. Turn on the lights. Keep bottles of water nearby. Find something stimulating to do. For me, I have a beaded necklace, and I would count the beads, rubbing each bead one by one. Move your arms and legs, do jazz hands, whatever you wish to do, to feel and control your body again. Latch onto the first moment of feeling even just a bit better, go to the kitchen, make a meal, or sit in a chair, sipping tea. Go at your own pace those days. If you feel better later in the day, go do what you were supposed to do; better late than never.

  • If you need to cry, cry. If you're angry, keep punching a pillow til you're done. No shame in that. Let it out.

  • Somethings you just gotta be impulsive. Ignore your brain and just do it. Do a battle-cry, cheer yourself on, curse like a sailor at your brain, if that helps, and run head-first towards what you have to do.

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