please for the love of god please someone help me I am begging you.

Nah I already read this. I thought there was a PDF somewhere. An actual guide. Also wow. I don’t understand... you act all annoyed because apparently OP (who I bet is new) didn’t read your attempt of guide but you posted the exact same link a few weeks ago saying “I think some people should read this before using it”. Why not simply sharing your post and telling them to read it? And now that I was asking you for it, because I am new on this sub, you reply all annoyed as well? It seems you don’t care if people actually receive help. You don’t care if we know the basics of OneDrive. All you seem to care is to look as if you knew more just because you happened to share ONE link. I don’t know dude but I was taught that when researching, there are more websites you should be checking to compare the information. One link is like a laugh to me. I don’t need the manual because I screw up, I just wanted it to read it, learn and then to actually help people here instead of acting like a pretentious box.

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