What is your "we will never speak of this again" moment?

In high school my a friend and I were on the rugby team. We had practice outside one day and it was absolutely freezing to the point where I couldn’t feel some parts of my body. We were the last to go to the changing room so it was just me and him. As we were changing, we were just chatting when suddenly he awkwardly tells me “hey man, can you put that away?”. Now I thought he was referring to my shirt which smelled of BO so I told him to just give me a few seconds and I’ll put it away, but he kept insisting that I put that away. Eventually I just so happen to look down and see me dick just peeping out of the opening of my boxers. I honestly could not feel it being just out in the open, but here I was talking face to face with this guy for a good couple of minutes while my dick was just hanging about. We pretended like that never happened as soon as I tucked it back in and honestly that was very nice of him because the cold caused some significant shrinkage.

/r/AskReddit Thread