The last Enchanter released was Nami back in December 2012

I really want more enchanters. But if you noticed, riot has done a ton of work to enchanters.

Enchanters have always been our go to, clutch savers with op buffs that make our damage op— that being said, they also have unfun aspects to them. Think about old taric and sona. These two champions were really, really unfun to play against back then. On one side, you have a champion who is full of bull**** auras that affect the whole team, and was just required to stand in the back and spam spells (and purchase aura items in the time period, and later increase defense/mr by a ton with windspeaker), then on the other side, you have taric who had a party wide op ult buff, and an annoying on click stun, and a heal, and practically a shield against

/r/leagueoflegends Thread