please help my pc won't let me connect to WiFi its not a new install I turned my computer on this morning and this is what happened

It's probably because the drivers didn't install. First, to connect to the internet you need to connect your phone via USB into the PC and enable USB tethering. You'll gain access to the internet on your PC. Then you go into driver manager and pray that there are some drivers for it. If you don't see any additional or proprietary drivers you can google "X Linux drivers" while x being your wifi card name. If you don't see any drivers available or you find out this wifi is not supported you're kinda out of lack. Linux has poor wifi card support since many wifi card manufacturers write closed source drivers targeted towards Windows (since it's biggest OS for desktops). I see many idiotic comments with 'advice' in this post. Reinstalling isn't the fix. It's funny to see people saying 'You don't need to constantly reinstall or reboot Linux' and also being given such advice. Hope it works, cheers!

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