Please do not spread false information!

I don't give a crap if their products are good or not..

I live locally and have tried stopping in numerous times during their "open" hours and they've always been closed. I had one friend that was going there for their leaf and I introduced him to dose from a vendor from here while i tried some of his and lets just say hes ordering from the vendor i introduced him to now lol.. Which is why I was suprised to even see them on this sub in the first place.. I really hope they switched up their supplier because if they're still selling the same bulk powder they offered a few months back they have no place to talk about colors and freshness.

Like of course some suppliers may be dying their kratom, 95% of commercially available kratom is dried roadside on a tarp, grinded with an old rusty, lead chipped mill and tastes like mud and dust. This sub is for the 5% who take care in what their vending, are close with their farmers/suppliers, dry indoors off the ground or at least hung dry outdoors in a clean envionrment. Not the bunk 95% you find at headshops from greedy 'entrepreneurs' who don't use the stuff buying the cheapest powder from any vendor than can net them the cheapest cost. Those suppliers have incentive to dye their trash because the US vendor who doesnt know the farmer sees a nice color for cheap and chooses them.

I've had gorgeous colored powder that tasted like dust and gave very minor effects before. So I've had dyed kratom, I make a batch of tea daily and seperate the powder making a clear tea and have seen the dye separate nearly every time before I found this sub. And I've seen a dyed red separate from a really popular vendor here before, I won't lie (plus reds are more commonly dyed, consumers want a red color from a green leaf thinking vein color matters when it's all in the drying and blending and bones/veins are usually only used to add stimulation anyways) But it didn't taste like ass, and still smacked nonetheless. But I've never had a green from a vendor here that has separated in the same way. It all comes out a very light golden clear liquid, with a pine green muck that it was taken from (as it gets a little darker after moistened and boiled)

Every vibrant green I've had from here tastes fresh, I'll literally take a big dab on my finger and let it melt in my mouth to really capture the taste, and ive found fresh green kratom actually tastes good to me, it's A clean, bitter, vegetal taste.

I can understand that small batch can shatter what you thought you knew about kratom, And never knew kratom could be this fresh. And since they seem very new to the small batch scene, that it may be hard to accept other vendors may have better quality than you, without having to dye it. It's a big hit to the ego so its easier to dismiss it. I get it. but to completely disregard better quality and telling everyone here that its adultered without even trying it out themselves first just comes off as so petty and immature. I'm glad they've been closed everytime I've gone. I was trying to give them another shot in case what I tried was just a lacking strain but after seeing all this I'd happily rather give my money to vendors who built a name for themselves through consistently high quality, customer satisfaction and building this community up. Not picking fights within a month of joining to try and knock down our best vendors to try and make their "ugly" (their words) bulk look equivalent or better.

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