Creating a token with 0 decimal places?

Fine, I'll bite before I delete this account.


He called me "cheap", is THAT not name calling? If he thinks that businesses should be operating as a charity or that staff shouldn't be paid, and he isn't capable of simply discussing a simple question in an adult fashion, then he's obviously just a child. Or has a personality disorder/disability, but THAT would be name calling.

Is this REALLY how you people think these days? I'm aghast, really. I should spend some more time actually surfing the Internet, this is comedy at its best.

you're coming off like an ageist and entitled jerk in your posts

"Ageist & entitled jerk" - That's a new one on me, "ageist". I'll have to mention that to some friends of mine, that's just hilarious! "Sorry, you can't tell your 16 year old daughter you're not buying her a new car just because she hates the colour - that's AGEIST" What next? "Competentist"? "Knowing-things-ist"? "Emotional-development-ist"? You guys just LOVE your new labels to shirk personal responsibility with don't you? Maybe I should go hire some 6 years olds to act as managers or something - why not? It'd be "Ageist" not to apparently! And you seem to assume that I, a man in his late 60's need to come to YOUR age groups level of discourse, and just expect me to be familiar with YOUR social mores - why is THAT not ageist?

I really thought all that rage about "Millennials" and "Identity Politics" I see in the newspaper was just a typical journalistic stereotype,after your post I've been surfing around this site just laughing my head off. What do you people call yourselves? Does your "movement" have a name, I can't see anything really clear like that? It's not communism - that at least made SOME logical sense despite being a murderous & deluded ideology. I'm so horribly out of touch with whats happening in your age group, but it seems I've missed absolutely nothing of value.

I simply stated that my staff and I should be paid for our work and the resources we use to do it (which is how EVERY business in history operates, including mine for 40+ years), and the opinion that no, I should be giving that all a way for free, because we live in some kind of delusional post-scarcity wonderland - and that now makes ME the entitled one. "Entitled" - "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment." Point out where, exactly, I asked for special treatment or privileges.

I just asked a simple question about developing on a platform neither my staff or my senior devs are familiar with, I like to master anything my company is doing (I don't expect anyone to do anything I'm not prepared to do myself) and I'd like a simple answer. It's also a good excuse for me to become familiar with another new technology, given that when I started we used punch cards. In what way is that "entitled"? Why are we even having this conversation? Why am I even defending this to you???? This is just looking glass land if most of you people on this site think this way. Where the hell are you all from? I understand that you're mostly college/high school kids, but what the hell are you even talking about? My question had 0 to do with this at all, I was simply mentioning that I had to modify that function anyway.

defend your positions

What "Positions"?!? I was here to ask for technical assistance, not engage in some kind of idiotic political debate about self-evident businesses management necessities with people who plainly are neither professional software developers, nor have evidently worked in the real world, nor moved out of their parents house yet apparently. I might have a software company so I'm technically in the "industry", but I spend VERY little time on these pointless social media platforms for this reason.

I now know why blockchain Dapps haven't seen any real uptake or development yet on a large scale - if this is representative of the community as a whole, the level of bumbling incompetence must be pervasive. Most of the "projects" I've seen in investigating this are little better than second-rate ponzi schemes, lacking any real use case, and simple enough to replicate in a fraction of the time spent, despite having not shipped a product after YEARS of development and millions of dollars scammed. Good to know - means there's going to be VERY little initial competition in moving into this early and doing things properly, now I know what I'm up against I wish I'd looked at this sooner.

Thanks though, I haven't had a laugh this hard in ages, "Ageist". For your own sake though (assuming you're not just "trolling"), if you're intending to become a software developer or entrepreneur yourself, drop all this weird crap they've taught you, and FAST. The real world will chew you up and spit you out if you seriously think this way.

Fine, for the sake of amusement - tell me your "position". How do YOU think I should be reimbursed for my development costs and ongoing need to support my clients infrastructure requirements? Should I spuriously issue some sort of pointless token, then get my SEO & marketing team to make fake posts across the Internet to get the poor and desperate people that are flocking into this market & being fleeced by scammers to buy my token, as an "ICO" in other words? Just create more ponzi schemes, and bankrupt families, ruin some more lives, maybe just find some other fraud victims who're down on their luck, and victimise them further? Please, enlighten me.

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