The point of this sub?

Hey there! It looks like you’re trying to understand an internet community without either reading their rules, or lurking! Would you like help with that?

For a better Reddit experience, try switching to old Reddit (in your settings, or just put “old.reddit” instead of “reddit” in the URL. You will want to be on the desktop site.

In this mode, you can easily see the sidebar on subs, which contains descriptions of the community, guidelines, rules, and helpful links.

In this specific case, the sidebar is very good. I recommend it.

You should then aim to spend several days lurking in a community, reading threads and spotting patterns. During this time, you might like to click to the ‘top’ tab, and then select ‘of all time’, to see what this community actually upvotes.

I wish you greater success in your future endeavours.

/r/bonehurtingjuice Thread