Polish soldier from the mission in Afghanistan

I mean yeah, he's the son of a Saudi Billionaire. He had a shit ton of money.

He was completely estranged to his family who rejected him and froze all his assets since 1993. Educate yourself about the basics at least.

The US did send troops to kill Bin Laden... in Pakistan.

This is exactly my point, holy shit you're completely dumb.

Bin Laden was in Afghanistan until he fled to Pakistan in later 2001.

Yet the conflict in Afghanistan lasted until today. So, you consider that the actual reason for the invasion of Afghanistan was to capture Bin Laden while at the same time Bin Laden was out of the country 2 months after? Either you're completely dumb or the US are the dumbest motherfuckers that ever existed, they spent over a decade turning upside down Afghanistan while he was just chilling in Pakistan next door? Which one is it?

And Saudi Arabia? Bin Laden hates the Saudi government even more than the US. You think the House of Saud helped plan 9/11 because???

Educate yourself about JASTA and Saudi Arabia, you seem clueless about that too. The US justice system along with thousands of 9/11 victims and relatives, along with a wide majority of US congressmen and congresswomen all agree that Saudi Arabia, which is the House of Saud, should stand trial for its role in 9/11.

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