Political Polarization of the American Public, 1994-2014 (Pew, NBC)

I think the problem with this country today is that there are too many emotional people on both sides of the aisle, who take things way too far. I remember when Jon Stewart constantly pushed for moderate views and tried very hard to 'restore sanity' to our country. I watched the Daily Show every night at the time. It's a perfect representation of how things have changed, I think, that his replacement is someone much further to the left who is never, ever fair to right-wing elements in this country and who works tirelessly to continue polarizing our political climate.

I feel my positions are very moderate, and they haven't shifted much from where my positions were 6 years ago. Both parties have shifted far to the right or far to the left, however. The Democrats are the party of "no border", which I view as unreasonable. The Republicans are the party of "building a big wall". What's the party for people who like the status quo? I don't want unchecked immigration, and I don't want zero immigration; I want a moderate approach to the situation, and honestly that's how I feel about most things in this country. But for people like me, there's no party anymore. I've been screamed at by liberals on Reddit and by (less-so) conservatives as well.

I've been a Democrat all of my life, but I chose to support Trump in this recent election, because I felt the Republicans were placing more emphasis on looking out for me specifically as a natural born American citizen who is also a white male, and ultimately that's how I have to vote. I will never vote against my own best interests. When I look at what many liberals and people to the left are saying, it terrifies me into voting for Trump, because these people sound insane. The people who say that "cis" white males are scum, that they should pay reparations, that they are somehow evil, etc. I see this sort of rhetoric all the time. Frankly, I'm afraid what will happen to me if the Democrats take over. People don't understand that people like me have been FORCED into this system of polarization, because of extreme people on the left. I understand the situation runs both ways, and I'm sure there's people who have been forced into the system of polarization by extreme people on the right as well.

People on both sides really need to stand up against the extreme left and the extreme right and oppose them at every turn, because I truly believe that these sorts of people will be the death of our country. Democracy is founded on the concept of compromise, and anyone who turns their back on that concept, the idea of compromise, is in my opinion, un-American.

When our country turns too far to the right, or too far to the left, that is when things will begin to fall apart.

/r/educationalgifs Thread Link - nodeassets.nbcnews.com