How seriously do you take digital privacy?

I don't know how you actually would stop it, probably with a dense material but I think the chances of it happening are so slim I prefer to just have a quality leather wallet.

I have went back to google for my day to day needs for ease of use.

True but it is a lot faster, and it isn't google who are the main scumbags online.

I have stopped really caring to be honest. With the Snowden leaks and beyond, it is all the proof that you need the government records everything single thing that you do online. When you go for security clearance, they know your exact porn tastes exactly for example.

The more people that try to hide themselves online, the more draconian measures will be put in place. Theresa May after the latest London attacks calling for all internet activity to be regulated and monitored.

We have some illusion of privacy currently even if it isn't true, and although that is going away bit by bit, hiding yourself is just putting your foot on the gas for zero anonymity online.

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