Precognition Guide

> The 4-5 second wait times every time you start and end a vision is grating.

bypassing every threat in the game, scouting new floors/rooms with zero risk/downside, removing all RNG from mutations, bypassing neuronflux failure chance, hell you can even precog before leveling up to maximize your HP roll and bypass the RNG on that too.

and hiting shift+w and typing a three digit number and hitting enter is what is breaking the flow of gameplay? dude the game is broken while you are using the skill, not while it's on cooldown. I get it, it's annoying to have to be idle for a few seconds while you cheese past the cooldown, but don't you think you're being let off the hook just a little for what the skill does for you? it's like complaining that your diamond encrusted gold watch has a tiny scratch on it that can only be seen under a microscope. who gives a shit??

/r/cavesofqud Thread Parent