Drugged out man gets tossed off moving car, and laid out by two old heads. (I Filmed This)

I'll see if I can expand on what I was referring to.

Your concerns, while understandable in routine contexts, do not make sense within the context of /r/publicfreakout.

What you and other users are expressing are moral concerns that are necessarily general in nature. This concern is that 'instead of being helped, this man was recorded'. To this I would argue that countless submissions may then fall under the purview of this concern to the point of absurdity in the context of /r/publicfreakout, whether or not the cameraman is disclosing their intentions.

Hence, while the concern is an understandable one to have, it is a completely idiotic misgiving to hold in a sub centred around people recording other people freaking out in public. I could classify countless freakouts as a situation in which someone was /irate/out of their mind/tripping balls and required assistance but were recorded instead and then criticize the video with my self-righteous moral indignation.

You get where I'm going. The general nature of your moral concerns allows for a general inclusion of many submissions here depending on your perspective. That is why they are nonsensical in the context of this subreddit. They are a better fit for something along the lines of /r/VideosOfPeopleCallingThePolice or /r/NoVideosBecausePeopleAreCallingTheCopsInsteadOfRecording.

On the matter of this video in particular, I don't know if you're just out of touch with respect to this sort of thing or environment but no one is obligated to babysit you when you've made the decision to trip on who knows what in a parking lot in the middle of the night bruh, that's on you lol. The older men in this video shoved the man back out of some sense of 'respect', that much is clear, and whatever misgivings you or I have with that course of action or way of thinking, they were not out to straight up beat him down, nor was anyone else in the video. At one point the cameraman asks trip here to leave the area for his own good. He does admit he had his own fun at the man's expense but he could tell he was going to get more shit for sticking around so he asks him to leave. There's some 'negatives' you're focusing on but there's some 'positives' too, and calling the cops on a drugged out man in the middle of the night would ruin his night (and more) in a way that a couple shoves shitty kicks from a couple old disgruntled men would not.

And for the videos that ARE like this one, it doesn't make them, or this video, any less revolting just because there are more of them in this sub, it just makes it worse.

We are not the bastions of morality here. We are here because we are entertained/intrigued by people freaking out in public. Nothing more, nothing less. We are not here to curate content to match the precise requirements of some users' moral sensibilities. The 100+ upvotes on this submission should tell you where you stand in misplacing your (normally understandable) concerns out of context compared with much of the rest of our userbase who do not do this in a subreddit like this. You are of course permitted to leave at any time.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - youtube.com