Pretty certain I ruined my surgery, what’s next?

definitely call your doctor and see about xrays if you dont have orders already. i was almost in the exact same boat as you. i think like a week post op i was falling asleep and started dreaming that something was on my foot so i kicked it out super hard and thought i completely messed up my foot or ripped the stitches(SUPER painful by the way not a great way to wake up)but i was fine. then at about 4 or so weeks i dropped my phone right on the top where my pins were, i genuinely thought i broke everything in that foot it hurt so bad and it really ballooned up i thought it was done for. i immediately elevated and iced and took pain meds but i genuinely couldnt walk for the rest of the evening and was in pain for the days following. i already had orders for an xray so i set up an appointment soon after just to see if there were any bones or pins floating around in there lol. looked totally fine! then at my follow up with my doctor she said it looked great.

i understand your worry, i have horrible medical anxiety. our bones may feel fragile right now but they are stronger than we think, even after surgery! even if there is something wrong, this isnt the end of the world and doctors have plans and procedures for scenarios like this

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