TunerShop not voting for Ramee

I honestly dont understand what some of these people consider RP or IC any more. You hear people saying, "I voted for Trish Baggs." Who is a homeless woman who mascarades as a vending machine (I LOVE Kiwo, btw) or "I voted for Pale Gore" who's slogan is "More gore, 2022!" (I LOVE Kyle, btw) which both are characters who've woken up for a week out of the past 2 years! I feel icky as a viewer, not going to lie. This election has put a spot light on what is RP, what is IC and what is OOC. Not saying people arent allowed to vote for whom ever they choose, that's the right you have to vote. But there's a lot of "IC" bullshit excuses. Not that it matters though, as a viewer I dont really give a fig.. it's just the story that has lead up to this that I care about.

/r/Chang_Gang Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv