[Private] When Dreams Come Crashing Down.

"Form up on me, Shas'Ui, we make for an exit. We need to know where we are, who we're fighting and then establish a perimeter. I've already got most of the crew here working on it."

He made for the exit of the bay, towards the ship hangers, shutting off his intercom from sending for a moment. He figured he could jump out of a launch bay. He made sure to slow is usual pace, letting the Shas'Ui get used to the unfamiliar suit, as he knew from his own first experience that the simulations only helped so much with piloting one of the machines for the first time. This in turn made him think of his squad, passing through his memory of what had just happened, making him more furious with each passing second. It's one thing to die, especially in service to the greater good. But they were denied that. They died in a ship crash, not knowing the enemy, not being given a chance to even fight them, to survive. He tried to push it from his mind for the moment. There would be time for him to be angry, and enemies to take it out on.

He tried to refocus on the task at hand, and helping his new squad mate. He would make sure that this Mal'caor made it through the day if it cost him his other leg. He opened up his intercom again as he sent his recon drone ahead to make sure they could get off of the ship. The bulkheads rumbled around them as they walked, producing a familiar yet noticeably different feeling than what they were used to. It was definitely the ships armaments firing, but the firing felt in atmosphere, doubley so with the ship in a static position, the ground resisting the recoil instead of the engines.

A realization struck him as they neared one of the hangers; he hadn't introduced himself.

"I am Shas'Vre 'Ke'lshan 'M'yen 'Vardu, this expedition is my first squad command. Ask me if you have any questions about piloting your suit, or about anyhting else." He let out a sigh as he talked. "We are going to need to work together to get through this, Shas'Ui."

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