[Project Idea] Alarm Clock

Enjoy !

Alarm clock using Python 3.5 and Tkinter module by Rajkumar

from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import time import os from tkinter import messagebox

def main():

root = Tk() root.title("Alarm clock") def SubmitButton(): AlarmTime= entry1.get() Message1() #label2.config(text ="The Alarm will Ring at {} ".format(AlarmTime)) #delayed in execution CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") print("the alarm time is: {}".format(AlarmTime)) #label2.config(text="") while AlarmTime != CurrentTime: #label2.config(text ="The Alarm will Ring at {} ".format(AlarmTime)) CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") time.sleep(1) if AlarmTime == CurrentTime: print("now Alarm Musing Playing") os.system("start alarm-music.mp3") label2.config(text = "Alarm music playing.....") def Message1(): AlarmTimeLable= entry1.get() #label2.config(text= "the Alarm will ring at {}".format(AlarmTimeLable)) messagebox.showinfo(title = 'Alarm clock', message = 'Alarm will Ring at {}'.format(AlarmTimeLable))
frame1 = ttk.Frame(root) frame1.pack() frame1.config(height = 100, width = 100)

label1= ttk.Label(frame1,text = "Enter the Alarm time :") label1.pack()

entry1 = ttk.Entry(frame1, width = 30) entry1.pack() entry1.insert(3,"example - 13:15")

button1= ttk.Button(frame1, text= "submit", command=SubmitButton) button1.pack()

this Label2 will show the Last Alarm Time

label2= ttk.Label(frame1) label2.pack() time2 = time.time

if time.time() > 12:



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