Monster Hunter Generations Resource Thread! Ask your questions here! Bring your tips and resources!

Hi. I just got into this series a couple of weeks ago. I played Monster Hunter 4U for 40 hours in that short time -- it flew by! So of course I got Generations on day 1. However, I am slightly disappointed and wondering if I'm overlooking something.

In 4U, generally I could kill something, go back to town, and the smithy would be updated with all the new things I could make from those parts. For instance, I could kill a Tetsucabra and come back to see the Santoku Reaver as a craftable. That's actually how I discovered I loved GS -- I didn't use it at all until I was enticed to try it by the Reaver's coolness.

In Generations, this doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. I keep coming back from hunts with no new weapons listed. For instance, I killed Tetsucabra but was disappointed to see the Santoku Reaver wasn't available to forge. I checked online, and apparently it's an upgrade from a lower quality GS that I have to pour upgrades into before the Reaver even shows up.

So it seems to me like the old random weapon discovery has gone away. No longer can I instantly see what new stuff I'm able to make and work up to them -- I apparently have to pick a weapon and stick to upgrading it to find out. Appearances and stats are hidden behind the upgrade walls. I could go forever without seeing a certain weapon because I never forged its precursor! That's way too sad :(

Unless, of course, I'm missing something? I really hope I am, because I don't like this new system at all.

/r/MonsterHunter Thread