Prompt ideas

First Prompt:

Good or Bad? Selflessness or Selfishness?

Is there even a difference between good actions and bad actions? When we are "good" to the world are we just not projecting our own internal values to the outside world? If we project to the world that we should be more giving and that over giving puts others into say financial problems, is that not a bad thing?

Is the "good" that we spread to the world necessarily the right thing? When we try to spread the "good" what are we really trying to accomplish to ourselves or prove to ourselves?

We see a starving man and give him food so he may eat. What have we really accomplished here? From purely our own personal context: we did something to make us feel like the hero, is that not a selfish act in its truest sense? In it's truest sense we did not feed this person because it was the "right thing to do" but because we felt a need to project onto the world our own internal idea that "no one should go hungry" because of our personal preference for "how things should be".

Second Prompt:

To hex or not to hex?

If you had the power to hex someone and give them a negative experience, would you do so? If their personal development depended on learning some lesson or learning that slighting you has consequences, for their personal growth, would you hex?

To unravel here: who is the one who has authority to decide between what is right and what is wrong? If someone stole your personal property and you desired to hex them over it, does that show that 1. stealing your property is wrong or 2. that you have an over attachment to your own property and this physical world?

/r/ShadowWork Thread