Proof that we can enjoy this sub , without putting girls at risk ... safe content = more girls

It varies really. Depends what you working with. If you got a big dick the unmod section can work sometimes because that's where the horniest of the horny chicks go for that instant dick. But at the same time you'll be nexting through like 100 dicks for every chick(at least). So don't bother with unmod unless you have a good size dick. The 1 out 100 will only stay if you get her attention in that 3 second window before she nexts. (I guess jacked abs/arms could work too)

I would never suggest showing face initially even if your Brad Pitt. You'll end up on Youtube. The Youtuber worries me more than porn sites. They might not even be meaning to have you in the video, but sometimes they'll leave in the transition from one person to the next and a quick 2 second shot of your face might make there video. So I only show face until after I verify the girl is legit. So if she's showing face or tits, get her to wave, hold two fingers up, whatever, but even than some bitches will just be fucking with you and next you after you show face or whip your dick out. So You gotta use your judgement really. There's been times where if I hadn't shown my face the girl/s would have nexted me right away but than I show my face and had some of the best encounters. It's a risk your penis sometimes forces you to take. If your in the moderated section or have a tag on, even a sexual tag, I would suggest just showing the lower half of your face while your skipping through. If you have a nice smile this can work. Honestly a lot of it is just luck of the draw. You gotta settle in for the long haul.

Even having a massive dick, it will take time to find a girl because of the numbers. Make sure the lighting is good. You can get an extra inch or 2 out of your dick by sitting on the floor and putting the laptop between your legs so the camera is facing up your dick. You know that picture of the giant wild-hog with the hunter standing behind it? It's kind of like that. The hog isnt actually THAT big but it creates the illusion because the hunter is standing in the distance behind it. Your dick being closest to the cam makes it look bigger with your body further back. Nah wah Im sayin?

Shit I really went off on a tangent here. Meh.

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