Convince me to become a teacher

Really? Between all of my daily duties - every OTHER day I get 43 minutes of planning which is also my lunch time. Because of a specific terrorism related something that our particular school is going through, apparently what they're doing is legal even if it's the entire school year. Sometimes those 43-minutes get taken up by having to substitute for teachers who call out and our school can't get a sub because our students are so poorly behaved no one wants to sub for us? Then when I tell my admin. "no" they act like I'm ridiculous. This year it finally dawned on me that none of my classes will ever be perfect and just let me teach and them learn, I feel like my school is more about manipulating/bribing students to do what you want them to do and you spend more time doing that than teaching/learning. I think PBIS - the way it is at my school, is absolutely ridiculous. The "bad" kids get rewarded all over the place while the "good" kids put their hands up like... wait, the kid who has gotten ISS, referrals, and OSS all year gets to go to the gym whenever they want because they misbehave? How about expected clubs and after school participation with zero stipends. How about getting approached by admins. to take on a huge load of extra work that would cost chunks of money but there's no funding so I can also figure that out and - again - no compensation. And when I ask how I could have time to take that on without a planning period, they suggest coming in on the weekends. The school is locked up on the weekends and HELL no. How about my annual salary being a tiny bit more every year but my health insurance contributions going up so I make less in my 7th year than I did in my 1st. My brother who got a business degree 10-years after me makes almost twice as much. He can retire comfortably before I can and I don't even know if I have anything for retirement. And how can I do this until I'm 60-65? How about no tuition reimbursement, blah, blah blah blah blah. Those are some of the reasons. One of the reasons I thought I'd love teaching would be to 'reach kids and make them love my subject and be a part of the community and make a difference and every day would be different.' All that might be true SOMEDAY but it doesn't seem to be the case, those impacts might not be felt for years, and I'm tired of having to lift myself up every day and 400+ kids every year. All of this complaining and I have a good reputation at my school, admins. overall like me, students and parents like me, have even caught the praises of high ups in admins. in county for extra community work my students have done. I'm just exhausted, don't feel valued or appreciated, want to make better money, have a daily lunch time, pee whenever I want, a daily planning period, and to feel like my admin. respected my time and life outside of this job.

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