PT: When you take somebody out on a first date, take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating. e.g. roller coaster or horror film. This gets their adrenaline up. It makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity.

Story time-

A long time ago, in a land far away...

My first date ever (~13), he and I went to the county fair. I liked this boy nearly as much as I liked fair rides so I was kind of excited. The afternoon sun was hot and, as kids tend to do, we had eaten gloriously horrible treats up until the point when we decided to ride some rides. He chose the first ride. It was this spiny disc that had carts affixed to the outer edge. We sat next to each other in the rickety metal cart and waited patiently for the ride to begin. I struggled with the idea of grabbing for his hand but opted to hold off. The ride began lurching forward and was soon at top speed. The breeze felt great after having spent so long in the hot sun. Not long after the ride reached full speed, the disc lifted and we began spinning vertically. The ride lifted and descended a number of times. The force was so great that our tiny teenage bodies were pressed against the seat, unable to move. I was enjoying the ride, though. As my eyes swept over to him, I noticed that he and I did not share the same feelings about this particular ride. His face was a pale shade of green underneath the beads of sweat. His eyes were wide. His mouth... shut tighter than fort knox. I knew. This boy was going to barf. I wanted so desperately to make contact with the ride operator but my limbs were fused to the seat. I tried to yell but my voice was lost the the sea of jubilant chatter. Then all of a sudden, it happened. I saw it spill through his lips, down his chin, down his body and alllllllllllllllllllllll over me and the inside of the cart. Some pooled at our feet. The ride operator had yet to notice. We sat there until the ride came to a stop, covered in (once hot, now cold) half digested corn dog, cotton candy, and whatever the fuck else this boy had recently gobbled. The date ended there and we were taken home. While I have never forgotten him, that was the last time we ever went out.

And this was my introduction to dating...

/r/PsychologicalTricks Thread