Public Covid-19 vaccination in the US is underway!

All these people in the comments talking about being wary of a ‘rushed’ vaccine need to remember why your average vaccine takes so long to develop: lack of funding and lack of volunteers. This has had money and volunteers THROWN at it for almost a year. Nearly every second of every day for the developers of these vaccines has been devoted to testing and creation. And now here we are, many successful trial runs later and we’re in a better position now than we ever have been with a pandemic in history.

It may seem like this all happened so fast, and on any other occasion your healthy skepticism wouldn’t be such a big deal, but just remember what not getting it could mean for both yourself and the people around you. At the end of the day, it’s not about us going back to the bar to get a beer with the boys. It’s to prevent more needless death, and if in the coming months there continues to be no sign of adverse side effects, there will be less and less of an excuse not to get it.

/r/nextfuckinglevel Thread Link -