Question about Holocaust deniers

First of all, because of false representations by the media, it is necessary that we first clarify what Holocaust Revisionism does not maintain:

  • it does not deny that Jews were persecuted under the Third Reich;
  • it does not deny that Jews were deprived of civil rights;
  • it does not deny that Jews were deported;
  • it does not deny the existence of Jewish ghettos;
  • it does not deny the existence of concentration camps;
  • it does not deny the existence of crematoriums in concentration camps;
  • it does not deny that Jews died for a great number of reasons;
  • it does not deny that other minorities were also persecuted such as gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and political dissenters;
  • and finally, it does not deny that all the above mentioned things were unjust.

None of these crimes of the National Socialist regime are doubted by Holocaust revisionists. In the view of the Revisionists, however, all these injustices have nothing to do with the Holocaust, which is defined as planned and organized mass murder, carried out specifically in homicidal gas chambers (see Question 4).

Holocaust revisionists believe the following to be correct:

  • There was no National Socialist order for the physical extermination of Jews (cf. R. Widmann);
  • Likewise, there was no National-Socialist plan for physical extermination of Jews;
  • There was no German organization and no budget for carrying out the alleged extermination plan. Consider the statement by the world-renowned Holocaust researcher R. Hilberg:

Raul Hilberg

But what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures [of the Juden]. They [the measures] were taken step by step. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus mind-reading by a far-flung [German] bureaucracy.

In detailed investigations of former German concentration camps, expert researchers have established: The internment camps had no homicidal gas chambers or sophisticated methods for mass murder. Furthermore, the reports of mass shootings were greatly exaggerated and taken out of context (see H. Tiedemann und G. Rudolf/S. Schröder);

There were neither adequate industrial facilities nor sufficient fuel to cremate such a huge number of corpses. In fact, the capacity of the crematories was barely sufficient to cremate the bodies of those who died from starvation and epidemics (see the investigations about the Auschwitz crematories and pyres, and about pyres in Treblinka, as well as the respective chapters of the individual studies of the camps listed above).

There is no documentation for the existence of homicidal gas chambers (for Auschwitz see here, for the other camps see the links above), and no material traces of alleged mass murders (see sources given under nos. 4 & 5, especially the chapters about excavations performed in Belzec, in Sobibor, and ground-penetrating radar research in Treblinka (also as YouTube video), as well as revealing air photo analyses (also here)). All the "proofs" rely on eyewitness accounts only, whose unreliability is widely acknowledged (1, 2 and 3 (chapter 4.2., p. 345: "A Thousand Reasons for False Testimonies").

Despite massive observation by spies and resistance groups in areas in the near vicinity of the German concentration camps, all of Germany's wartime enemies conducted themselves as if no exterminations of Jews were taking place. The charges of genocide were not raised until after Germany's defeat, when there was no German government to dispute them (see A. Butz).

Statistical investigations of living Jews worldwide show clearly that the losses of this ethnic group during the Second World War were nowhere near six million. Although attempts were made to establish a somewhat accurate figure (see for example the research by W.N. Sanning), the truth is that we simply don't know, as a comparison of revisionist and mainstream research has shown.

/r/holocaust Thread