Within roughly six months of the war's end, practically anyone who could have shed light on the Jewish policy of the Third Reich was murdered -- which must have been extremely convenient for the prosecution at Nuremberg.

Carl Wernerhoff's article made this point, and cites research by Joseph Bellinger, 'DIN - The Hunting Season' -- see part 2 for the relevant section.

Thus, in the first months of 1945, Five Jews named WALD, BECKER, JUDAH KLEIN, BENNO the MESSENGER, and HANNAH BAUM, formed the nucleus of a sinister conspiracy which dwarfed accusations in years gone by when Jews were once accused of poisoning the wells of European communities.

These five ex-partisan fighters, along with fifty other active accomplices, formed a highly secret organization of conspirators and assassins, whose group came to be known by the first letter of each word: DAHLED, YOD, NUN. The letters of which spell out another Hebrew word: DIN, or "judgment."

[...] Soon DIN developed a "hit list" - "targets", "marks," similar to those composed by the Mafia. It was when this master list was finally completed that they referred to their grisly conspiracy as "the Hunting Season." To execute the plan, DIN became better organized, despatching hit squads to various locations throughout Germany. These were divided into four zones, and the squads were accommodated with a list of secret Jewish operatives whom they were to contact for additional information. The contacts also supplied them with fake ID, uniforms and sometimes "get-a-way" vehicles. They were given insignia from the various armed forces.

If the items could not be obtained from a Jewish plant, then they were taken by stealth or by force. Vehicles were easier to obtain in the British Zone, as many members of the "Jewish" Brigade were stationed there. In fact, there was NEVER an instance where the Jewish Brigade ever refused its services to the assassins. Thus, this hit squad achieved a high degree of organization. People simply disappeared off the streets-even in broad daylight. Victims were simply whisked away, like Eichmann, never to be seen again. The methods of killing varied. Most of the victims were garroted-Mafia style.

Others were simply tortured to death. Distraught families searched frantically for their loved ones, who were by then lying dismembered in a shallow grave. Often "suicides" were arranged. In fact, suicides" were rather common-place. According to DIN, they murdered the following individuals:

  • SS Brigadier General Dr. Wilhelm Albert allegedly because he assisted in evacuating the Lodz Ghetto.
  • SS major Dr. Wilhem Altenloch, because he supervised the deportation of some 30,000 Jews.
  • SS Captain Hans Bothmann, who was a member of the Prinz Eugen Division.
  • SS Colonel Dr. Hans Geschke, Chief of Security Police in Hungary. Geschke received a commendation from Himmler who enjoined him to "keep your honour unsullied just as you must protect the honour of others and defend the defenceless."
  • Paul Giesler-Gauleiter of Munich.
  • SS General Odilo "Globus" Globocnik - (Who is still listed as "whereabouts unknown").
  • SS Brigadier General Dr. Ernst Grawitz-chief medical officer of the SS.
  • SS Colonel Professor Albert Hohlfelder.
  • SS Lieutenant General Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Krueger - Higher SS and Police Leader in the General Government.
  • SS Lieutenant Kurt Mussfeld-supervisor of Auschwitz crematorium no 2.
  • SS Major Adalbert Neubauer.
  • SS Major Karl Puetz - Chief of the Security Police at Rovno.
  • SS Major Christian Wirth. (Listed today as whereabouts unknown).

In short, practically any one who could have shed light on the Jewish policy of the Third Reich was murdered! Denunciations and "documents" supplied by the Soviet Union assured that each and every victim would die a very unpleasant death. Within two months, these self-appointed death squads had murdered at least 200 individuals.

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