/r/canadian thinks the Bibeau shooting was nothing but a conspiracy for votes. "Excellent campaign stunt boys."

The CBC made a print retraction

So you think that part of the conspiracy coverup involved revealing part of the scheme by posting a retraction?

is it now a fact that Vickers and others fired shots in the alcove?

Again, it is NOT a fact that Vickers did NOT shoot in the alcove. Just because the CBC misidentified bullet holes doesn't mean that no shots were fired.

Does the false evidence not lend the most credence to the Vickers mythology?

The most credence to the story comes from the multiple cameras and witnesses, as well as the autopsy, evidence of bullet shells on the scene, gun spatter evidence, etc etc. Bullet holes are not even close to the only evidence that they have.

Certainly seems so, or you could hear Vickers describe the confrontation himself. Can't you?

I don't know what you mean by this.

I don't know what happened to this Bibeau

So you don't even have an opinion about what happened then? You think for sure that he wasn't shot, but you don't even have an idea of what crazy alternative took place?

where's all the fancy surveillance camera footage from there?

What do you mean where's it from? It's from all over the building, likely fed into a surveillance office, and monitored by a diverse group of people who would not all simultaneously agree to a conspiracy.

Must I swallow the story with only lies about bulletholes

No, you don't have to read and trust only the CBC. Probably some idiot reporter went over and saw little holes in the wall and said they were bullet holes. Then someone else later noticed that there was already some damage to the wall and they retracted because they had no forensic evidence to back up their claims, but for all they know some of it was bullet holes. The fact that they retracted it actually gives more power to their other claims, since they're clearly willing to go back on things if they're not 100% sure.

the improbable story of Vickers?

Why do you think it's "improbable"? There was a large number of witnesses and cameras on the scene.

Where's his testimony?

I imagine it's in the courts.

The thing about conspiracy theories like this one is that they'd require a massive number of people to be informed about it, and to agree to it, to no benefit to themselves. Every single person they asked to join in it would have to agree to it. Every detail would have to be executed perfectly by people with no experience in acting, and no outsiders could be let in on any of it, in a building where people can come and go as they please. It just doesn't make any logical sense. There would be 100 leaks about the conspiracy before it even happened. That's what makes it crazy to believe in, even ignoring the huge amount of evidence available that this actually happened.

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