r/EEENF Lounge

Hy guys, im new in this Lounge but im not new into eeenf/poq. Im also a retard ape who is into gme and as much as i love you retards with your moonrocket dreams can we just sfu and let the ppl talk who really hv the wrinkles for that. i mean it is interesting to read about how smelly the dig of your your wifes bf is (or maybe the opisite)...but im retard like i said...like the most here and i would appreciate to learn from ppl who know what they are talking about. We can do our "to the moon, today EOD 10k,..." in the wsb area. so pls dont be mad at me...and if you are...im fine because you know...im the same big mouth like you guys. At tthis point a big thank you to all the ape with the brain who share there knowledge with us!!! i love you all!!!

/r/EEENF Thread