/r/fatpeoplehate5 TAKEN DOWN!

$10 says a new fatpeoplehate subreddit will be up and running within 24 hours.

edit 1: The fat hatred will rise again!

Also, if you're going after harassing subreddits Admins, look no further than /r/subredditdrama and /r/shitredditsays. It would be a real shame if people started downvoting shit and disrupting those subreddits in protest right now.

edit 2: I will update my list of new FPH subs as people let know about them.

edit 3: /r/fatpeoplehate2 's only mod was banned. Someone go /r/redditrequest that shit.

edit 4: I filed a complaint using modmail against 3 subreddits:

  1. /r/subredditdrama

  2. /r/shitredditsays

  3. /r/bestof

Although I don't have anything personally against /r/bestof, it does seem like it violates reddit's harassment policy.

edit 5: In case I get banned, it's been an honor my fellow shitlords.

edit 6: updated list.

/r/ObesityHealthConcern Thread Link - reddit.com