It's key to know the Doctor regenerates when he is near death, taking on a new body and personality while retaining his memories. In other words, every few years, a new actor plays the Doctor.
There are three ways to go.
1) Season 1, episode 1. You'll get the full recent history of the Doctor and his companions, which adds to the richness of later seasons. The downside is the special effects and storytelling are roughest in the first season. There are some really great stories though, too. This season introduces a side character who occasionally travels with the Doctor in later seasons, in addition to his regular companion.
2) Season 2, episode 1. This is the start of the Doctor you know from Blink. He is traveling with his companion from season 1, another reason to start watching from season 1. But if you just cannot stomach the Season 1 Doctor, start here.
Stories I especially like from season 1 are The End of the World, The Unquiet Dead (a good Christmas episode), and the two-parter The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances.