/r/ilikthebred Monthly Request Thread: April 2021

My name’s Dingus. I was a cat. I hated all, and that is that

Outside I’d hate the evening breeze, the chirping birds. Nature? Oh please.

Inside others would stay away, and if they tried me, they would pay.

With Luke I’d have a daily spat. Sorry excuse for a real cat.

The old tortoise, Charo, was fine— as long as he respect what’s mine.

There also was that fat kid Bo. He was alright, though too yellow.

My companions were fine at best. Could take or leave them, I’ll confess.

But there is one being I love, who I look down on from above.

Shinypretty was a good fren. They gave pets, food— right ‘till the en’.

I never let them know in life. Instead I caused a lot of strife.

But deep in my curmudgeon heart, beyond the rage, I must impart

my love for that weird human one, now that all is over and done.

We said goodbye on Saturday, and though I am now far away,

I will always be part of brain that thinks “ugh, no,” that does complain.

When you’re tired, grumpy—despair? Know I’m with you. I am right there.

Grousing right at your very feet. Perhaps one day, again, we’ll meet.

/r/ilikthebred Thread Parent