Remove 5 Man Ban

Drewbabe has receipts; or, This Is What Happens When No One Can 5-Stack (TIWHWNOC5-S)

You know, when this change first came out I asked the community and most people preferred the queue limit. So I said my piece, dropped it, and asked for a working karma system (which we did not get.)

I knew this would get under people's skin though. I've been biding my time here, folks. And I have receipts.

See, besides the same group of people (most of them have already commented here!) who always act as the apologists for the queue limit on this sub, I notice that most people don't like it and new players are confused by it.

These are just threads I found, in a cursory glance, asking why the queue was limited or requesting that it not be. I didn't scour for any threads where new players mentioned it on the side... but there have been several. I didn't include threads that complained that scrim mode is broken or unused, there are just as many of those to be sure, but you all knew that.

This is to say nothing about how many threads there are about AFKers, leavers, trolls, toxic players, and language barriers.

Literally all of these problems get resolved when you find like-minded people to play with and you aren't subject to the matchmaking lottery.

Like Darth says, this game's matchmaking gets frustrating. I personally have a difficult time playing more than a few games of Strife in a row because all it takes is for me to try to play a hero I don't play often and the per-hero MM kicks in and I get tossed in with spuds. Account MMR goes down by 20+ points every time this happens. So now Strife to me is basically just playing as Shank and running Luster for easy wins. It's boring.

Despite the fact that the MM is practically not even in effect because of the low playerbase, it still manages to make my opponents be much stronger if I try to duo or, heaven forbid, triple queue; this actually has the inverse effect of what I expected, that if I could at least choose some of my team, I would have a better chance, but actually the other 2 people on the team are almost guaranteed to be trolls or leavers as if to compensate for myself and my two queue partners. So if I want to try hard, I have to solo queue with broken builds.

It wasn't a problem when I could play with 4 friends. We could all be laughing and dicking around and not trying too hard. If we lost, we shrugged it off and kept laughing. But when you are forced to deal with pubs, charity runs thin. I think I've handled it well but I have friends who are not handling it well and have been playing less and less. After all, they can go play other games with friends. Why should they be forced to play with strangers?

For those who play solo queue and complained about getting "stomped" which resulted in this whole debacle: either find some friends to play with or please chime in the next time I post a thread about getting S2 to release a karma system so that the matchmaking gets good enough so that you have just as much of a chance in solo queue. In the meantime please stop hating fun. Ladder points don't mean anything anyway, you all got your 1000 and will be getting your gems.

/r/strife Thread