TIL that Millennials Are Having Way Less Sex Than Their Parents and are twice as likely as the previous generation to be virgins

You know why I don't get laid, because I feel any sexual advance I make on a women will be considered as harassment. I am not the best looking guy, but I don't know how to approach a women and not come of creepy because I am not attractive. I have friends that are fat, ugly, useless people with no goals that can get laid on a whim. There is just something about me that screams no to women. I am 30 years old, I love my nieces and nephews to death, because I've accepted that they are the closest thing to children I will ever have. I have so many women friends, but the second I try to make it more than that they run the fuck away like I am Literally the plague. I don't understand it. Obviously I'm doing something so wrong, but I just don't know wtf it is. Is it caring?

I feel that most people date someone they just don't know, wtf is that a thing. Why do I want to date someone I know nothing about. That is just fucking stupid. Are women just so incapable of dating someone they enjoy spending there time with?

I don't get the logic, I like spending time with you. You are awesome. You want to date me? Fuck that shit I'm fucking out. Because God forbid it doesn't work out. Then I lose a friend. Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you.

Why is knowing someone a black mark on dating them. My fucking parents got divorced when I was four. I cried myself to sleep for 6 years because of their divorce. I'm sorry I want to get to know you before I decide to date you. Why is that such a taboo in our day and age. It's bullshit. Fuck.

All I want to do is know you before i date you, because my parents Fucked me. I was four. How do you deal with that. How the fuck does a four year old deal with that. We'll I'll tell you, they cry, they cry a lot. And then they spend the rest of their life trying to find the girl, that will help them, but they dont help them. They fuck some other guy after leading you on for four years.

Welcome to my world, cause I'm burning in the ashes, kicking, screaming.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - time.com