Removing harassing subreddits

I just want to preface my comment by saying that I definitely don't agree with what is going on in /r/fatpeoplehate, but this is complete bullshit.

I joined Reddit because it had an appeal of an open and free community. Censorship has always been present but not nearly on this level. If we don't like it, we don't go there. It's literally that simple. It doesn't offend any of us, it doesn't hurt any of us. A lot of us are adults too, we don't need an individual like us (albeit well paid) to tell us what we can and cannot see. That's insane for anybody to think is okay.

I have to agree with most of the other user base here. This was a terrible business decision for you Reddit. How can you possibly advertise yourself as a free and open place to discuss opinions if you constantly go back on your core values? Alright, it is your decision to ban something even though it is not illegal. Even though you said you would never do such a thing like that last year, it's still your decision. But that decision is one that has and will cost you dearly when it comes to membership and I'm sure you can already see the divide that you've created.

I for one don't want to be associated with reddit as my front page of the Internet. You've lost that place for me. The Internet is meant as place where everybody can share opinions, and it's just widely known that not everybody agree's with everybody. Crazy huh? Thank goodness exists eh?

That's not all though, your blatant disregard for the events that are taking place in other subreddits like /r/shitredditsays and all of the disgusting subreddits is appalling. How can you let those subreddits go on as well? Oh wait, they haven't done anything Illegal?! Wait you agree with SRS?! Well that explains a lot doesn't it? I'm disappointed and certainly am not alone in that sentiment.

Then again, your CEO has been involved in some incredibly shady stuff in the past hasn't she? How can she dictate what is morally right or wrong? (The right answer to that question is that she can't). She and reddit's many other mods actively censor posts about her past in a shallow attempt to cover up her past life. I'm sorry Ellen, you may be trying to create a "safe haven", but you're not protecting any of us. In fact, keeping everybody safe should have a mental health clause! Censorship is a dangerous path and who could argue that it is not detrimental to our general mental health by blocking the amount of information that we can access?

If this is an attempt at making us more into a dystopian society where access to information, conversation and discussion is heavily censored and moderated, then congratulations! That was certainly the right move for you to make. After all, what is the internet if it isn't a place to all share one opinion and complain about how unjust the world around us is!

What or who am I really supporting when I see ads or think about giving gold? Is this a place that I will feel like I will be able to grow in come 6 months? Absolutely not. I don't know how to be clear about the way I feel that this place is going.

Knowing the admins and their perpetual need to be in control I'll probably end up banned for saying my opinion. Isn't that exactly what happened with those subreddits, just on a subreddit scale? I suppose Reddit truly hasn't learned anything and is just as terrible as Digg was. If I ever come back to this place I won't be at all surprised if it has a new name like Buryy or something. Fits well with what they're slowly doing eh? Burying us and suffocating our voices. Sounds about right.

See y'all over at, great place. The second great Exodus is at hand!

/r/announcements Thread