Tell me the personality types of your: First degree relatives (mother, father, siblings, children) and three closest friends.

Mother (ESFJ): She really does care about everyone, and tries to make them happy (by doing what would make her happy). Unfortunately, her version of happiness is not mine so we tend to clash a lot because of my lack of "emotional connections". Also she loves having dinner parties because she is a big gossip, and she gets mad when I try to hide away or just avoid going to her parties at all. Father(ENTJ): He is incredibly smart, he is just naturally good at everything. I love that he will never stop trying to learn something new. The downside is that he can be overwhelming at times because he has such high expectations. If something doesn't go right, it is because you didn't try hard enough, he would have made it work. Sister (ESFJ): She is the oldest and true to her type she likes to stick to the rules and traditions set by my mother. I love watching her interact with people in a way that I know I will never be able to. Everyone loves her and she seems to genuinely care about them. Like my mother she loves planning and organizing parties but I think she spends too much time worrying about her physical appearance. She is terrible with money because she would rather look good and have themed parties for people than disappoint them by planning something simple. Brother(INTP)-He is the middle child, he is insanely creative and tries to fix everything. Unfortunately he is not reliable at all and even a simple task he cannot be trusted with. I love talking to him because trying to understand his unorganized though process is like a puzzle to me. I just wish he was not so combative when it comes to meeting new people because we are already the two outcasts of the family haha. Brother 2 (ESFP): He is my baby brother, I don't know if it is because I am old or what but I do not understand anything he does or likes. He is spontaneous and really into music, he wants to be a DJ. While he is selling himself on facebook, twitter, instagram, and every other social networking site I am trying to find something we can talk about. I do love that he is incredibly driven and that he can make anyone laugh. Friend 1(INTJ): The best roommate I have ever had, and one of the few people I can talk about weird articles and books with. She is the only other female INTJ that I know, and I love that we can hangout and just watch documentaries and drink tea all weekend, or just sit around in mostly silence and not have it be weird at all. The one downside is that we are both good at disappearing for long periods of time. Friend 2 (ENFJ): I have known her since the 1st grade and I trust her with a lot. She is really confident, and from the first day I met her she told me she was going to be a teacher. Now that she has reached her goal, her new one is to find a husband and to get me to start dating. I love that she is unafraid to speak her mind, I just wish she could also be that good at listening. She always thinks things and people can be improved, but sometimes I like things how they are. Friend 3 (ISTP): I met her the first day at college, and we have been inseparable ever since. She likes keeping busy but she rarely stresses out, she is the type of person you want around when shit hits the fan. She is easily bored so she does a lot of random fun things, I like knowing that we will always have something new to try. The downside being that she is really stubborn and likes to push peoples buttons, since she likes doing crazy new things, she is not afraid to push peoples boundaries to try and get them to try something new.We briefly dated, but both of us being logical over emotional we decided long distance would be too much work.

/r/IntuitiveDominant Thread