[Req] ($149) - (Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.), (June 21), (PayPal/credit/debit)

[REQ] (149.99usd) - (06/13/2016) (PayPal) (#Kansas City. Missouri. USA) self.borrow Submitted 5 minutes ago by wtfisapluotREQUEST Holy goodness the bot said I didn't include all necessary information in the right way. Your submission was removed for NOT including properly tagged location information. Your title needs to include City, State and Country information. You must include a hashtag symbol before the city and the parenthesis. If your country does not use states or provinces, you should use your county or district. Please resubmit using the following format: [REQ] (Amount) - (Repayment Date), (Payment Method), (#City, State, Country) For example: [REQ] ($20) - (06/20/2050), (Paypal), (#New York, NY, USA) Okay so again: TLDR/DETAILS: I live with my Aunt and Boyfriend and I pay the Google Fiber tv/internet since I only use the internet, partial utilities and they split the rent. This month I had to pay for two unexpected appointments and an expensive new medicine and I want to pay my small part (the internet/tv, they don't make me pay rent). I can pay it back June 21 or July 1 - Date/Interest or not is your preference. Details: My psychiatrist took me off of effexor (slowly) because my BP was consistently in the 155 - 175 range and he started me Tuesday on a newer drug that isn't as well known but instead has a 3-5% chance of affecting BP, sexual disfunction, hyperhidrosis and other things compared to 30% for other SNRI. But it's expensive. My Aunt is 72, disabled, and my BF and I moved in to take care of her after they found her heart rate was resting around 22bpm, before they gave her a pacemaker. She also can't walk well from diabetic neuropathy, I'm not sure if that's the right term.. Parts of her legs and ankles are gone. I'm disabled right now because of PTSD MDD Panic disorder with agoraphobia. It would be so cool if this even happened. Just because of how nice it would be.. and even if not, thanks for reading my long post.

/r/borrow Thread