Residents should be "pretty excited" about city's future: Diotati

Well we’d want to consider a major factor is utility to the general population, so considering the surprisingly significant cost to contract new infrastructure and the environmental considerations of winter cold it is tough to justify mass expansion like you’re hoping for. We still use our cars a lot. However, there are a few ways to change this.

  1. Increase the usage and utility of the bike network: To use the network solely for recreational cycling for 9 months of the year is a tough sell. If there were cycle-like electric vehicles (maybe even winterized) that were sharing the infrastructure for local commercial services you’d be realizing better civic return on the infrastructure. Rental of such vehicles would increase market access to them before seeing major by in. There’s also bicycle sharing services like Mobike and others that can drastically increase the immediate availability of rental bicycles where-ever you are in the network.

  2. Focus on a hub and spoke design approach to the network so you get the advantage of long distance inter connectivity while at the same time encouraging the hub-centric connections that make up the local downtown networks.

  3. Change building codes to allow for not just higher density, but smarter use of space: integrating buildings close to these cycle networks so it just becomes a no brainer to use a bike over other forms of transportation. Stop designing site agreements exclusively around car parking capacity.

  4. If your town is particularly feisty, define a parameter and close off the downtown from vehicles during business hours. It’s what the Roman emperor did in Rome and it worked pretty well.

  5. (Eurocentric takeaway) Introduce higher speed rural roads that allow for the benefits of high speed exclusively car centric road design while explicitly requiring physical pedestrian/bicycle lane separation. (I.e. most country roads in Germany rock 100km limits, and bike lanes exist separately, across the drainage ditches. It seems with this approach, the speed is too high to permit shoulders lanes) you’re at least then justifying the cost of bike separation to drivers while supplementing then with the benefit of their increased permitted speeds.

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