Rewording Einstein's riddle.

I love shit like this so I had to solve the riddle and then think about how to turn it into a dungeon encounter. I also love crypts, so that’s the direction I went with it:


The Tomb of the Five Queens
You enter a room with a row of life-size stone statues of women sitting in thrones in a row against the far wall. On the wall to your left are five shelves, and each shelf holds five objects: weapons, musical instruments, jeweled pendants, books, and statues of animals.
On the wall to your right is a stone tablet on which is inscribed the following:
“Here lie five queens, great rulers who brokered peace between their empires and were buried together in this crypt. Their souls are restless, however, as they long to be reunited with their treasures:
Each should have her favorite weapon on her right. Each should have her favorite instrument on her left. Each should have her favorite book in her lap. Each should have her favorite jewel on her breast. Each should have her favorite pet at her feet. Read carefully these clues, and give these souls peace. Return their treasures, and receive treasure of your own.”


She who wields a bow plays the drum She who plays a horn wears an amethyst She who plays a flute reads religion She who wields an axe sits left of she who wields a spear She who wields an axe reads history She who keeps a falcon wears an emerald She who wields a sword keeps a cat She who sits in the center reads astronomy She who plays a harp sits on the far left She who keeps a horse sits next to she who wears a ruby She who wears a sapphire sits next to she who keeps a cat She who keeps a dog reads magic She who plays cymbals keeps a snake She who plays a harp sits next to she who wields a mace She who keeps a horse sits next to she who reads politics


Weapon|Sword|Mace|Bow|Axe|Spear Instrument|Harp|Flute|Drum| Cymbals|Horn Pet|Cat|Horse|Falcon|Snake|Dog Pendant|Ruby|Sapphire|Emerald|Topaz|Amethyst Book|Politics|Religion|Astronomy|History|Magic

Weapon Sword Mace Bow Axe Spear Instrument Harp Flute Drum Cymbals Horn Pet Cat Horse Falcon Snake Dog Pendant Ruby Sapphire Emerald Topaz Amethyst Book Politics Religion Astronomy History Magic


This riddle’s kind of a headache, and I wouldn’t throw it at a party unless you have at least a couple players who are really into these kind of logic puzzles. I also wouldn’t put any kind of punishment in there for not solving it. This would be an optional little detour. If they get it right, the statues recess into the wall revealing a secret chamber where there are plenty of healing potions and cool magical items. If they don’t get it, they just move on. If they asked, I might even say something like “the weapons and instruments are rusty, the books are old and brittle, and the animal statues are just carved stone. The jewel pendants might have some value, though.” That way they could leave with participation trophies worth a few hundred gold total, but nothing near as fun and useful as what they might have found if they’d solved the riddle.

/r/DnDBehindTheScreen Thread