People who have had guns pointed at them, what went through your mind at the time and how did things turn out?

A guy I knew went into a wild rage at a big house party that he was throwing. He was on a metric fuck-ton of cocaine and swilling whiskey when he decided that somebody had gone into his bedroom and stolen money. I don't know how he came to this conclusion, but he came out onto the back porch (where most of the party was) with a loaded shotgun, screaming at everyone, and demanding to know who had robbed him.

At the time, we were pretty close. We were in the same friend group and had had plenty of heart-to-hearts. So, naively believing that I could calm him down, I called his name and asked him what was wrong. He stopped screaming, turned around, and pointed the shotgun directly at my head. The look in his eyes was chilling... He calmly said: "I will fucking kill you right now." Everything went silent and we stared at each other for what seemed like years.

What went through my head? I was honestly trying not to laugh at him. The absurdity of it was mind-boggling. A few hours earlier, we were laughing in his kitchen and I was making the punch while he and a few others got things cleaned up. Now he's about to shoot me! I was also mildly amused by the irony of it all, since I've always been very uncomfortable with guns. Overall, I 100% believed that he was going to shoot me. I just sighed and thought "this is it... how insane... heh."

Finally, he lowered the gun and I felt the blood rush to my head, the roar was deafening. I don't know what was said to him, but I began violently shaking and asking to go home. A cab was called, I went home, and just shook.

I saw him a couple of days later and he made some joke about how "out-of-hand" the party had gotten, but didn't acknowledge the gun thing. I tried to write it off, but that was the end of any friendship we had. It's one thing to get lit and turn into an asshole about beer pong, but threatening a friend's life over $100 is inexcusable.

/r/AskReddit Thread