RIALTO.AI AMA - September 2017

Cute and paste magic!

Rialto Valuation (self.RialtoAI) submitted 15 minutes ago * by zimbaxe I did some numbers. Makes me think the markets are off by a distance or I am. Can you point out where is this going wrong? So the trading pool is currently 9mil USD as of 6 Sep, 2017: Assumptions: -Ripple gateway should be fast enough for at least 5 transactions per hour(complete arbitrage as well as portfolio rebalancing cycles) -As mentioned in the AMA, Rialto AI should reach 4 exchanges, 4 assets to trade with and one ripple gateway by October, 2017; although we aren't considering potentially 5-10 more echanges which may cut the list for Rialto AI -Assuming average 1% (0.8% after costs(potentially lower for bigger volume) and slippage risk) opportunity for all of 6 combinations possible for any 2 exchanges per asset all the time -Conservative assumption: arbitrages would always be equal to 1% (0.8% net), nothing more nothing less! -Average 20k USD liquidity on each side (Ask for the cheaper one and bid for the expensive one) -Wouldn't be risking more than 50% of the pool -We aren't considering PNL coming from either market making or AI bots -P/E multiple for company valuation: 10 Average PNL per asset per trade= 20k USD* 0.8%= 160 USD Average PNL per asset per hour= 5160 USD= 800 USD Total PNL per hour= 4 (No. of Assets) 800 USD= 3200 USD Total PNL per day= 24*3200 USD= 76,000 USD Total PNL per month= 2.4 mil USD Total PNL per year= 28.8 mil USD Total projected marketcap: 288 mil USD Total funds deployed < 1mil USD This means the markets are off by 10X, using some of relatively more conservative estimates of just 4 assets and 4 exchanges, not deploying more than 10% of the capital at any point! Where is it going wrong? Also, I have seen this reddit being virtually dead! Critics welcomed!!

/r/RialtoAI Thread