Pitiful turnout of bigots turning up to protest against drag queen story time in Honor Oak today. They were met with 500+ locals and storytime was a success!

The 'monkey thing' was only, eventually, apologised for because of protests and attention from the sort of people that this thread was created to mock.

There are a lot of people who are really invested in eroding children's boundaries and destroying safeguarding, and one really effective way to do that is to call people 'bigots' if they call it out.

I've been called 'bigoted', 'ignorant', 'right wing', and 'homophobic' on this thread by multiple posters. I am none of these things. But it's been a really effective way of shutting down a lot of concerns.

That's what happened initially with the monkey too. Loads of parents, and the library staff, were absolutely fine with it. The costume was visible on the website before they booked the visiting performers. It's happening in plain sight.

Drag is adult entertainment, like lap dancing, it's not just about the costumes, and it's not panto. Look at the performers' names, the jokes they tell, etc. It's often very very funny and entertaining, for adults. It's not in any way suitable for children.

/r/london Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com