
Belief springs from your expectation. When you say “I believe you,” you are expecting that I will act according to your rights and wrongs. Suppose I do something which is not within the field of your rights and wrongs, then the first thing that will happen is, you are going to come to me and say, “I believed you, and now you did this.” If your Guru can be contained within your limitations, then you better not go anywhere near that man because he will be of no help to you. He will solace you, he will comfort you, but this man is bondage. This man is not liberation. Trust is different. Trust is your quality. It is not subject to anything else, it is simply there. When you say “I trust,” it means, “It doesn’t matter what you do, I trust.” That is not falling into the framework of your limitations. - Sadhguru

So ... is the quote with that video supposed to be a rebuttal or explanation of reasoning to what I said?

Because all it sounds like to me is another Sadhguru-ish way to say: "If I say something that is common-sense evil, and you accuse me of being wrong - then that is only because I am so much greater that your limited conception of reality that you just don't expect it and you need to trust me even if I say evil things and if you do that then you are actually free from bondage because you trust me"

I see right through the hoax that is Sadhguru ...

No one has addressed what I said in my post, only danced around it - Sadhguru could never withstand my presence, he can only exist where he controls the format, the microphone, and operates through intidiation and arrogance ... also he thinks his ring fingers are magical conduits that warn him of danger ... he's just going to end up like a monkey head severed on a silver platter like all the rest.

If he was truly anything remarkable, he would heal if he could really heal - he believes he is transcendent above good and evil - which is no different that evil, and he has no authority or right to threaten others that if they heal people then he will somehow revoke their ability to be spiritual forever ... he is not a god ... no matter how many dead bodies he thinks he is absorbing or how much mountain river water washes over his feet.

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