That moment when police tries to pepper spray Yellow Vest protesters, but protesters just pepper spray them back

I remember being at the Poll Tax Riots in the UK, back in the eighties. The demonstration was held in Trafalgar square and riot police marched in carrying shields and batons wearing helmets and started targeting peoples heads with batton blows, than the horse mounted police came in and knocked a girl over resulting in her being stamped on and badly hurt.

The energy in the crowd just surged and they went for the police with everything they had, and when I say this, that includes normal regular people and not just 'anarchists' seeking to make trouble as the BBC tried to portray it.

The police quickly realised they were out of their depth and so started to run away and scatter and that key central area of London was devoid of all power.

A really great documentary here on the events here:

Solidarity to our French brothers and sisters from an English bro!

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