Salt Supply Saturday 02/06/2021

Base bombing, specifically the act of starting the match by doing to enemy base explicitly to bomb it, is fucking stupid.

You leave your team one man down even you're not guaranteed to succeed. Even if you do, it's so early in in the match that the points earned are at the most bare minimum achievable, which is NOT ENOUGH to make up for number of teammate suits lost

But there is one thing worse than base bombing--base attacking. Like base bombing, you start the match off traveling to the enemy base instead of the frontlines. UNLIKE base bombing, you use conventional weapons to pummel the base instead. This takes longer, which means you leave your teammates one man down for a longer period of time than you would just planting a goddamn bomb.

So, yeah, fuck you, Attack Guntank. It was bad enough you failed the first time, leaving the enemy Generals uncontested, but you attempting it a SECOND time only to still fuck it up? You're fucking stupid and the fact that you're in A highlights how broken the Rating metric is.

/r/GBO2 Thread