Schwarzfahren fee . Gave mine MVV year card to a friend , he got busted.Police called me

I am fully with you, also a foreigner, and I notice many people come here and treat Germany like a dump - it's disgusting.

Germany is great, definitely has it's problems, but also I would say one of those problems are definitely excessive and cumbersome beaurocracy. I feel just because something is a law definitely does not make it right, or intelligent, maybe we just have differing opinions on what is Okay to follow and not. I can admit to doing mildly illegal things sometimes, but I still don't litter, I try and be polite and considerate to people around me, try not kill anyone or steal things etc. I think if people are doing those, it's fine. I consider this case isn't theft, or schwarzfahren because it's paid so I can't understand people's issue I guess - will have to agree to disagree.

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