Day One. Again and again and again...

I totally experience this. I have chronic pain, and I get heinous headaches regularly, every day I have them they just...vary in severity. Over the years it made me gain almost 50lbs because when I am in a lot of pain and feel like I can't do much or enjoy life I not even normal good for me, food like you described. Ice cream is a big one.

I'm here to cheer you on! I know it is so hard. I have just started having success in the last couple of months so I am pretty new to the journey.

A big thing for me is removing that association with food completely. I am not sure if you do this but I eat to console myself. I think "I can't enjoy anything today because of my headache except food". I don't know if it is just an excuse or partly a truth but either way, I have learned it isn't worth it.

Something that helped me if it is possible is putting a lot of effort into making delicious food for my diet. It is going surprisingly well! I don't feel so deprived so food is still a highlight of my days, especially the painful ones.

I feel gross too, although 7 weeks into my diet I have a bit more confidence and cheer again. If you don't mind sharing, what limits do you have? Mine is mostly just pain and I have hyperflexibility so I worry about noodling around and injuring myself. For that reason, I work with a personal trainer at the gym. Apparently muscle mass will help minimise my pain. But everyone has different limitations so my advice might not be great. I also play Just Dance on my Switch. I found it extremely helpful when I started working out a few years ago before I dared lift a eased me into movement really well. Otherwise even walks while listening to podcasts.

I hope you can find an exercise that works for you..mine really lifts my mood and even improves my pain a bit =)

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