Season 5 Is the Single Greatest Season in Television History and It’s Not Even Close. Fight Me Cowards

It’s so funny that you mention that one because it was the first episode I ever saw. People kept recommending the show to me back in like 2008-2009 but something about the way all the promos were edited made the show look painfully unfunny to me.
Finally around 2009 or 2010, I reluctantly decide give the show a try, I watch whatever episode was on tv that night: Frank’s Brother. I was so fucking confused. I didn’t understand what kind of tone they were going for. I just didn’t get it at all. I was like “wow that was stupid, why do people keep recommending this show to me?” and from then on I would abruptly change the channel whenever it was going to come on. (Back in the olden days when I had a cable tv lol)
It wasn’t until late 2012 / early 2013 that I was at an after-after party that started to wind down into more of a slumber party, and someone put on the 10/10 double-whammy that is the beginning of season 7: Frank’s Pretty Woman and The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore. I legit couldn’t believe how funny it was like I genuinely did not know a tv show could be that funny.
It’s been my favorite show ever since and now I’ve seen every episoode of 1-12 many times… including Frank’s Brother! I get it now and think it’s funny. Seasons 13 and 14 weren’t really my taste (and I’ll admit 12 is where it started veering a little too far out of its box for me) but I really liked season 15… although it really could have used one more episode between episodes 7 & 8 to develop the story arc. I feel like episode 8 comes on really abruptly.
Fuck, what was this comment originally about? Sorry, it’s my day off and I smoked way too much weed lol

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