Did this scene provoke strong emotions from anyone else? I ugly cried hard. One of the best things I’ve ever seen.

This helped me come to terms with my sexuality and was the turning point i realized i was into men and women. Growing up with a homophobic father i repressed my sexuality and was a crass macho guy most of my youth. So sunny was a fixture in my life and it fit well. This episode side slapped me so hard. The way mac can’t describe this feeling of being both understood and loved for being who he truly is to god (his true father, in this instance could be anything to anyone, religious or not) but so afraid he can’t physically breathe at the thought of rejection of his own father. I was in this predicament. I cried so hard because it hit the bail on the head what i had buried in me, not with words, but with a physically beautiful depiction of how we are just bodies in this world, and love is what transcends the human experience. He couldve chose a man for his dance partner, but he chose a woman to show the grace, care and unconditional love that god (god for mac at least) has given him, even at the end of the dance when she holds him and comforts him as he cries after his dad rejected him publicly. My father and i had an initial fight but he came back and accepted me, like Frank. He doesn’t understand the gay thing, he doesnt need to, because he doesnt comprehend it, until he sees mac dance. Frank doesnt reject him, because he understands that love is love. Whereas luther has no love to give.

/r/IASIP Thread Link - i.redd.it