You stay a cleric until you decide to go chanter xD
Chanter seems easier to play tbh. Just spam your words, no needs to really heal because everyone has their own built in heal, or nearly everyone.
HOWEVER, if you are an e-girl, or pretend to be an e-girl, you get fr33 l00t. Seriously, I've seen people in legions waste a 1bill kinah at the beginning of 5.0 on a "e-girl" who I thought was just a dude irl. This was back when 1bill was considered a lot because events didn't drop tempering solutions and omegas like halloween candy.
I don't have anything against people giving cash to other people, but I do have a problem when it starts affecting performance. Seriously, I don't care that you're an 'e-girl', but when you stop healing to type cutesy messages during a Hyperion run AS THE MAIN CLERIC TO HEAL TO MAIN TANK, and the tank dies, well, there goes 12 people's time -.-

/r/aion Thread